Medication for Loss of Appetite, Nausea and Vomiting

Marion Debus

Last update: 08.10.2018

Loss of appetite

  • For loss of appetite, maldigestion with postprandial complaints:
    Amara drops WELEDA: 3 x/d 10–15 drops before eating
    Bitter elixir WALA: 1–3 x/d 1 tbsp. in water

  • For loss of appetite, as well as nausea, fullness (requires a certain vitality, not effective in tumor cachexia) (1):
    Gentiana lutea 5% Rh dil. WELEDA: 3 x/d 15 drops

  • For upper abdominal flatulence and loss of appetite:
    Cichorium/Pancreas comp. WALA: 3 x/wk to 1 x/d 1 amp. s.c. or 2–4 x/d 5–10 pill.
    Bitter substances can stimulate peristalsis and promote secretion when the soul body intervenes too weakly in the stomach and intestines, causing lack of appetite, nausea and a feeling of fullness (2). At the same time, attention must be paid to the vitality of the patient. In cases of pronounced cachexia and severe weakness, bitter substances are often not effective; the treatment must be supported by strengthening the life organization, e.g., with mistletoe therapy or other preparations, such as:

  • For loss of appetite due to a severely weakened life organization, with often prompt results (3):
    Levico comp. amp. WALA: 3 x/wk to 1 x/d 1 amp. s.c.

  • For loss of appetite in the context of pulmonary cachexia:
    Ferrum rosatum/Graphite (WALA): 3 x/wk to 1 x/d 1 amp. s.c. or 2–4 x/d 3–5 pill. (also available as Rose Iron/Graphite WALA-WELEDA, Roseneisen/Graphit WALA)

Nausea and vomiting

  • Nux vomica D4–D12 amp. WELEDA/DHU: 1 x/d or as needed 1 amp. s.c., or dil. D4–D6 4 x/d 5–10 drops or pill. D4–D6 4 x/d 5 pill.

  • Particularly suitable for nausea associated with gastrointestinal hypomotility, because of the bitter agents:
    Nux vomica comp. dil. WELEDA: 5 drops in water after vomiting or in cases of latent nausea which improves after vomiting 3 x/d 5–10 drops

  • For persistent nausea, also with a psychological component, for accompanying intestinal spasms, also in cases of chemotherapy:
    Nux vomica/Nicotiana comp. WALA: 3 x/d 8–10 pill.
    Physical and mental cramping can be relieved by this combination and brought back into healthy breathing.

  • For vomiting with persistent gag reflex:
    Ipecacuanha D4 dil.: 1–3 x/d 5–10 drops diluted in water

  • For tendency to cramps:
    Balsamic Spirit of Melissa dil. WELEDA: 3 x/d or 20 drops as needed

  • For opiate-induced nausea and loss of appetite (Chelidonium = the poppy plant greater celandine, which contains motility-increasing alkaloids as a healthy counterpart to pure morphine, which has an inhibitory effect on digestive processes and bile secretion): Chelidonium comp. WELEDA or Choleodoron® WELEDA: 3 x/d 10–15 drops

  • Soothing, anxiety-relieving, if necessary for anxiety-induced nausea or anticipatory vomiting:
    Bryophyllum D5/Conchae D7 aa amp. WELEDA: 1 ml or 10 ml as amp. for drinking.

The composition of the medicinal products named: Amara drops: Artemisia absinthium, Herba; Centaurium erythraea, Herba; Cichorium intybus, Planta tota; Gentiana lutea; Juniperus communis, Summitates; Millefolii herba; Peucedanum ostruthium, Rhizoma; Salvia officinalis; Taraxacum. Bitter elixir: Aqueous total extract of gentian root, ginger root, calamus root, pepper fruits and wormwood. Cichorium/Pancreas comp.: Ampoules: Cichorium intybus e planta tota D3, Pancreas suis Gl D7, Stibium metallicum D5. Pillules: Cichorium intybus e planta tota D3, Pancreas suis Gl D4, Stibium metallicum D5. Levico comp. amp.: Hypericum perforatum ex herba D2, Levico “strong”-Wasser D2, Prunus spinosa e floribus et summitatibus cum Ferro D3. Ferrum rosatum/Graphite: Ampoules: Graphites D14, Rosa e floribus cum Ferro D5. Pillules: Graphites D14, Rosa e floribus cum Ferro D2. Nux vomica comp.: Nux vomica D4, Nux moschata D4, Gentiana D1. Nux vomica/Nicotiana comp.: Strychnos nux vomica e semine D7, Nicotiana tabacum e foliis D9, Carbo vegetabilis D19, Chamomilla recutita e radice D2, Renes bovis Gl D6. Balsamic Spirit of Melissa: Angelica root, cloves, coriander, lemon balm leaves, nutmeg seeds, cinnamon bark, lemon oil. Chelidonium comp.: Carduus marianus D1; Chelidonium Ø; Dryopteris filix-mas, Folium; Polypodium vulgare, Folium; Salix alba/purpurea/viminalis, Folium; Phyllitis scolopendrium, Folium; Onopordum acanthium, Folium Ø; Taraxacum Ø; Urtica dioica Ø. Choleodoron®: Chelidonium Ø; Curcuma xanthorrhiza, Rhizoma Ø.

Research news

Phase IV trial: Kalium phosphoricum comp. versus placebo in irritability and nervousness 
In a new clinical study, Kalium phosphoricum comp. (KPC) versus placebo was tested in 77 patients per group. In a post-hoc analysis of intra-individual differences after 6 weeks treatment, a significant advantage of KPC vs. placebo was shown for characteristic symptoms of nervous exhaustion and nervousness (p = 0.020, p = 0.045 respectively). In both groups six adverse events (AE) were assessed as causally related to treatment (severity mild or moderate). No AE resulted in discontinuation in treatment. KPC could therefore be a beneficial treatment option for symptomatic relief of neurasthenia. The study has been published open access in Current Medical Research and Opinion

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