A 12 year old’s search for self: case report

Tessa C. Therkleson
Artikel-ID: DMS-20290-EN
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14271/DMS-20290-EN

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A 12 year old’s search for self: case report

This case report describes a 12 year old boy with complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD). For 3 consecutive weeks, a lemon footbath, rhythmical Einreibung using Wala Solum uliginosum or moor extract and heart rub using Weleda Aurum ointment were given. For the following two weeks, a lemon footbath and pentagram treatment using Weleda Aurum ointment were given. The nurse providing this therapy is an anthroposophic nurse specialist. There was no notable change for the first 3 weeks. Then following the first pentagram treatment the child responded as an awake, heart-felt person, who could now communicate positively and share feelings. The combination treatment resulted in a positive response for a child with C-PTSD, with no negative effects reported.

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