About us

What is Anthromedics?

Anthroposophic Medicine was established by Rudolf Steiner (1861–1925) and Ita Wegman (1876–1943) early in the 20th century. In this approach the human being is seen as consisting of body, soul and spirit, and this is the basis for diagnosis and treatment. This makes it an integrative form of medicine which develops on the basis of modern scientific medicine and includes the dimensions of vitality, soul and spirit as part of essential human nature.

Anthromedics is a professional online portal offering articles on anthroposophic medicine for physicians, nursing staff and therapists in practices, hospitals or training.

The information will initially be available in German and English, and in due course also in Spanish. Anthromedics is a work in progress and will continue to grow as the years go on. 


Anthromedics is published by the Medical Section of the School of Spiritual Science, the International Coordination of Anthroposophic Medicine in Dornach, Switzerland, and the Association of Anthroposophic Physicians in Germany (GAÄD).


The editorial work takes place in Berlin, Germany, and Dornach, Switzerland. The editorial team in Berlin (www.merkurstab.de) is responsible for the online edition of Der Merkurstab, content management for the entire portal and rights and user administration for subscribers and editorial staff.
The editorial team in Dornach is responsible for the content in the sections Basic Concepts and Practice Recommendations and includes specialist editors, two copy editors, translators and an editorial board of doctors and therapists.

Scientific Advisory Board

The publishers and editors would like to thank the following members of the Scientific Advisory Board for their willingness to support the further development of the sections Basic Concepts and Practice Recommendations by providing advice, content suggestions and expert comments, and for their availability to answer questions regarding this.

The current members of the Scientific Advisory Board are:

Dr. phil. Bettina Berger, Faculty of Health, Witten/Herdecke University
Dr. rer. medic. Mathias Bertram, Faculty of Health, Witten/Herdecke University
Prof. Dr. med. P. Markus Deckert, Zentrum für Innere Medizin, Klinikum Brandenburg
Dr. med. et Dr. med. h.c. Michaela Glöckler, Goetheanum – School of Spiritual Science, Dornach
Prof. Dr. phil. Rüdiger Grimm, Institute for Curative Education and Social Therapy, Alanus University of Arts and Social Sciences, Alfter
Viola Heckel, M.A., Music Therapy, Klinik Arlesheim
Rolf Heine, Akademie für Pflegeberufe an der Filderklinik
Prof. Dr. med. Peter Heusser, Professor of Medical Anthropology in the Faculty of Health at Witten/Herdecke University
Prof. Dr. med. Ralf-Dieter Hofheinz, Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University
Dr. med. Robert Kempenich, Strasbourg
Prof. Dr. med. Giovanni Maio, Chair of Medical Ethics, Institute for Ethics and History of Medicine, University of Freiburg
Prof. Dr. med. David Martin, Faculty of Health, Chair of Medical Theory, Integrative and Anthroposophic Medicine, Witten/Herdecke University
Prof. Dr. med. Harald Matthes, Endowed Chair of Integrative and Anthroposophic Medicine, Institute for Social Medicine, Epidemiology and Health Economics, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Web concept / Technical implementation

Jakob Marti, Dagmar Brauer and Dr. Sabine Krämer are responsible for the web concept and the coordination of its technical implementation (also during operation), Joachim Engelland (in an advisory capacity in the development phase).

Operation and technical support

The portal is operated and technically maintained by the Association of Anthroposophic Physicians in Germany. 

Translations into English

All contents of the portal are offered in German and English. In a subproject, selected papers from Der Merkurstab are being translated into English (coordination and supervision: Prof. Dr. med. David Martin). In the meantime, more than 200 articles are available in English, which—after technical processing—will be added to the portal in a next step. The editorial team in Dornach is responsible for the translation of the texts in the Basic Concepts and Practice Recommendations sections.

Financial support

The project was supported by the Mahle Foundation, the Christophorus Foundation and the Hauschka Foundation, to whom we are greatly indebted

Invitation to join the work

Editorial groups for specialist fields are currently being established to expand the sections on Basic Concepts, Medical Disciplines and Practice. We invite everyone interested in joining a specialist group or contributing an article to contact us. If you are interested, please contact the editorial office in Dornach (see menu item Contact). Editorial guidelines for producing the texts are available in German and English and will be sent on request.

For the Publishers / Editors
Dr. med. Matthias Girke
Dr. med. Marion Debus
Dr. phil. Sabine Krämer
Dagmar Brauer

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Innere/Allgemeine Medizin

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