The use of Bryophyllum Argento cultum D2 on children under the Autism Spectrum Disorder

Carmem Silvia Patriani de Carvalho
Artikel-ID: DMS-20587-EN

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The use of Bryophyllum Argento cultum D2 on children under the Autism Spectrum Disorder

This article relates the unexpected effects from the intake of Bryophyllum Argento cultum D2, initially prescribed to the handling of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) children at a pediatric anthroposophic dental practice. The fact that they kept improving to an unexpected degree after the end of dental treatment, without any other interferences, is the subject of this article. The results proved to deepen after the end of the dental treatment and a follow-up of the cases for three months, going far beyond relaxation and sleep during dental procedures. These facts suggested that the usual indications of the medicine could broaden, in case the results are reproduced scientifically accordingly to the correct guidelines.

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