Topical ginger for the chronic inflammatory condition of osteoarthritis

Tessa C. Therkleson
Artículo-ID: DMS-20122-EN

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Ginger is a significant external application for chronic inflammatory conations such as osteoarthritis because it activates and strengthens weakened physical and life processes in the limb metabolic regions. This paper summarises common changes observed in the physical, life, emotional and ‘I’ being for people with osteoarthritis along with a rationale for using the hot stimulating forces of topical ginger to manage the debilitating symptoms of pain on movement and subsequent loss of independence. Results of a recent pilot study demonstrate the positive effect of 7 consecutive day’s treatment using either the ginger compress or a standardised ginger patch for a group of 20 adults with osteoarthritis. Participants had the option to continue using the ginger patches at home for a further 24 weeks. After 7 days treatment, mean total scores on the modified Health Assessment Questionnaire showed a reduction in pain, chronic fatigue, global effect and mobility of 48 %, 49 %, 40 % and 31 % respectively, with scores progressively declining over the following 24 weeks. Topical ginger applications have the potential to manage osteoarthritis symptoms and increase independence for people with this debilitating condition.

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