Chelidonium majus and the image of COVID-19

Nilo E. Gardin, Sergio A. Grines, Anne Jaqueline Braga
Article-ID: DMS-21406-EN

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The authors recall Rudolf Steiner’s meditative words during the Spanish flu pandemic, a century ago, and correlate them with the current COVID-19 pandemic. The peculiar symptoms of this disease are mentioned, such as the loss of sense of smell and its phenomenological study, fear and its action in the respiratory system and the peculiar type of pain. The genus epidemicus as the driving principle that motivates an illness is contextualized to the present day and related to functional threefoldness. Anthroposophical thinking is developed to get to the etiological medicine for COVID-19: Chelidonium majus. A casuist with 20 patients is cited and the subsequent experience with 110 other cases.

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