Structure of the portal

Digital archive

The digital archive offers online access to literature which had previously only been available in print, thus permitting systematic searches of papers and subject areas. Having started the portal we will first of all make the journal Der Merkurstab available online.

The complete issues of the journal from 1946 onwards will be digitally available, including the current issue at the time. Research and clinical experience mean that medicine is always evolving, and we would therefore ask you to consider the medical history background, especially for papers published some time ago. Users are invited to make their own diagnosis, taking responsibility for it, and make their own assessment of the indications given and suggested treatments, for which neither the authors nor the editors can accept responsibility. The digital archive is to be extended, adding further monographs, journals and compilations. The next step in the project will be to implement selected texts from the American website AnthroMedLibrary.

Digital textbook

The digital textbook, with its three sections Basic Concepts, Medical Disciplines and Practice, offers a systematic approach to understanding the human being and disease from an anthroposophic-medical perspective, as well as specialist areas, clinical pictures, therapeutic recommendations and current central themes of Anthroposophic Medicine. The introductory texts have been evaluated by expert reviewers and contain numerous references to further reading which allow a more detailed study of the topic.

The digital textbook is continuously updated and expanded.

Search function

The portal offers an elaborate search function in line with current web standards. Searches may be made of the whole digital archive as well as the digital textbook, in full texts and metadata. Research findings may be filtered in different dimensions so that results are easily tailored to the user’s needs.

Anthromedics is linked to the CrossRef bibliographic internet databank ( to ensure automatic linkage of literature sources to other scientific platforms. This is in line with the current scientific standard for online publications.

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Weiterbildungsassistent (m/w/d)
für Allgemeine/Innere Medizin 

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Weiterbildungsassistent oder
Facharzt (m/w/d)
für Allgemeinmedizin 

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Facharzt oder
Weiterbildungsassistent (m/w/d)
Innere/Allgemeine Medizin

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