Medication for Hiccups

Marion Debus

Last update: 18.07.2019

Centrally acting medicinal products in the treatment of persistent hiccups are copper (as a metal that warms through and promotes relaxation) and herbal preparations from the nightshade family, especially Nicotiana tabacum (acting as an antispasmodic) and Hyoscyamus niger (which encourages rhythm and calming):

Aurum/Hyoscyamus comp. WELEDA
Cuprum aceticum comp. WALA
Cuprum aceticum D4 WELEDA, 1 amp. s.c. over the epigastrium
Cuprum aceticum D5/Zincum Valerianicum D5 WELEDA, 1 amp. s.c., 1 to several times daily

Also to be considered is:
Tabacum Cupro cultum Rh D3 WELEDA, 1 amp. s.c. in the epigastrium

To increase the effectiveness of the injections, combine with:
Nervus phrenicus D15–D30 WALA, 1 amp. s.c. 3x/w to 1x/d

Possible orals are: 
Hyoscyamus Rh D3 dil. WELEDA, 10 drops 3x/d
Hyoscyamus D6 pill. WALA, 7 pill. every 1–2 hrs 
if necessary in combination with 
Mygale comp. dil. WELEDA, 5–10 drops every 1–2 hrs

Research news

Phase IV trial: Kalium phosphoricum comp. versus placebo in irritability and nervousness 
In a new clinical study, Kalium phosphoricum comp. (KPC) versus placebo was tested in 77 patients per group. In a post-hoc analysis of intra-individual differences after 6 weeks treatment, a significant advantage of KPC vs. placebo was shown for characteristic symptoms of nervous exhaustion and nervousness (p = 0.020, p = 0.045 respectively). In both groups six adverse events (AE) were assessed as causally related to treatment (severity mild or moderate). No AE resulted in discontinuation in treatment. KPC could therefore be a beneficial treatment option for symptomatic relief of neurasthenia. The study has been published open access in Current Medical Research and Opinion

Further information on Anthroposophic Medicine