Our Authors

Last update: 27.04.2023

Prof. Dr. med. Erik BAARS
Specialist in internal medicine and Master of Science in epidemiology, has been active in anthroposophic medicine for many years. Head health researcher at the Louis Bolk Institute. Professor of Anthroposophic Medicine at the University of Applied Sciences, Leiden (Netherlands) since 2007. PhD thesis on “Health Promotion” at Wageningen University in 2011. Scientific Co-Director of the European Scientific Cooperative on Anthroposophic Medicinal Products (ESCAMP) since 2011.

Psychotherapist, active for many years at Filderklinik hospital in Filderstadt (Germany).

Dr. rer. nat. Christian BIRRINGER
Pharmacist, PhD in pharmaceutical chemistry. Head of the Source Materials Production Division and Head of Tinctures Production at Weleda AG in Schwäbisch Gmünd (Germany).

Anthroposophic music therapist at Filderklinik hospital in Filderstadt (Germany) since 1990. Active in the association “Singing Hospitals” (Singende Krankenhäuser). Instructor in music therapy training and further education.

Medical documentalist and anthroposophic art therapist. Research associate in the Medical Section at the Goetheanum in Dornach (Switzerland) since 2011.

Dr. med. Adriana CORDÓN
Specialist in pediatrics and adolescent medicine, anthroposophic medicine/pediatrics and integrative medicine. Further training in eurythmy therapy. Practice in Barcelona (Spain).

Dr. med. Marion DEBUS
Specialist in
hematology/oncology, palliative medicine. Senior physician in the Oncology Department at Havelhöhe Community Hospital in Berlin (Germany) from 2005 to 2017. Head of the Oncology Department at Klinik Arlesheim (Switzerland) since August 2017. Medical editor of the journal “Der Merkurstab” and a member of the board of directors of the part-time Havelhöhe medical seminar (Berlin, Germany). A member of the extended board of the Association of Anthroposophic Physicians in Germany (GAÄD).

Henriette DEKKERS
Psychological Psychotherapist, BIG registered in the Netherlands.
Board Member of the  International Federation of Anthroposophic Psychotherapy Associations (IFAPA). Post Graduate Formations in Anthroposophic Psychotherapy. Teaching assignment at Witten-Herdecke University Germany.

Art therapist at Havelhöhe community hospital in Berlin, Germany. Art therapy teacher at Alanus University of Arts and Social Sciences in Alfter (Germany).

Music therapist at Filderklinik hospital in Filderstadt (Germany).
Instructor in music therapy training and further education.

Birgit EMDE
Pharmacist. Qualified pharmaceutical-technical assistant. Studied pharmacy in Berlin (Germany), licensed in 1998. Further qualification in anthroposophic pharmacy (GAPiD) and lecturer on anthroposophic pharmacy (GAPiD). Author.

Carmen EPPEL
Specialist in gynecology and obstetrics and a member of the Association of Anthroposophic Physicians in Germany (GAÄD).
Practice in Heidenheim an der Brenz (“Integrative Haus der Gesundheit”, Germany).

Specialist in anesthesiology, special pain therapy and palliative medicine. Active in the Practice for Specialized Outpatient Palliative Care (SAPV) in Berlin (Germany).

Certified nurse, anthroposophic nursing specialist (IFAN). Many years of work at Havelhöhe Community Hospital, co-founder of and long-time collaborator in the community hospice Christophorus in Berlin (Germany).

Dr. med. Matthias GIRKE
Specialist in internal medicine, diabetology, palliative medicine and anthroposophic medicine (GAÄD). Co-founder of and from 1995 to 2016 medical director of Havelhöhe Community Hospital in Berlin (Germany). Many years on the executive board of the Association of Anthroposophic Physicians in Germany (GAÄD). Board member of DAMiD, the umbrella organization for Anthroposophic Medicine in Germany since 2001. Co-editor of the journal for Anthroposophic Medicine “Der Merkurstab”. Head of the Medical Section of the School of Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum in Dornach (Switzerland) since September 2016. Member of the Executive Council of the General Anthroposophical Society since April 2017.

Dr. med. Michaela GLÖCKLER
Specialist in pediatrics and adolescent medicine. 10 years of pediatric and school medical practice. Head of the Medical Section of the School of Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland, from 1988 to 2016. Extensive lecturing and publishing activities. Co-founder and president of the ELIANT Alliance (European Alliance of Initiatives in Applied Anthroposophy), founder and board member of the Foundation for the Promotion of Anthroposophic Medicine in Switzerland and Germany.

Dr. med. Gabriele GLOGER
Specialist in lung and bronchial medicine. Additional specialization in allergology in 1999. Qualification certificate in somnology (DGSM) in 2001, additional specialization in sleep medicine in 2005. Independent practice in Ingolstadt (Germany) since 2006. Asthma and COPD trainer.

Bernadette GOLLMER
Certified art therapist (ED) specializing in painting and sculpture. Anthroposophic painting therapy according to Liane Collot d’Herbois. Art therapist at Paracelsus Hospital in Richterswil (Switzerland) and in her own studio in Rüti. Instructor in art therapy training and further education.

Rhythmical massage therapist, Master of Science in health sciences. Instructor in training and further education. Works at Herdecke Community Hospital in Herdecke (Germany).

Studied biology, then at the priest seminary of the Christian Community in Stuttgart (Germany), ordained in 1997. In addition to her current community work in Berlin (Germany), she is involved in youth work, hospice work, palliative care and pastoral medicine.

Renato GOMES
Physician, priest in the Christian Community in Berlin-Havelhöhe and lecturer in the Havelhöhe Academy, Berlin/DE.

Dr. med. Christian GRAH
Specialist in internal medicine, pneumology and anthroposophic medicine (GAÄD). Specialist in the Pneumology Department at Havelhöhe Community Hospital in Berlin (Germany) since 1999. Responsible for the project to develop the focus on pneumology in the Internal Medicine Department. Senior physician in the hospital’s pneumology and lung cancer center. Research.

Studied art history and philosophy. Certified social worker. Active in parent counselling, early childhood development and adult education at the independent educational institution “der hof” in Frankfurt-Niederursel (Germany). Lecturing and teaching activity in Germany and abroad.

Midwife and eurythmy therapist. A member of the working group on eurythmy therapy in pregnancy for the Association of Anthroposophic Physicians in Germany (GAÄD). Eurythmy therapist at the Filderklinik hospital in Filderstadt (Germany).

Dr. med. Harald HAAS
Psychiatrist and psychotherapist as well as lecturer in anthroposophic psychiatry and psychotherapy. Studied human medicine in Heidelberg (Germany), specialized training in psychiatry and psychotherapy. Worked for several years in anthroposophical hospitals in the fields of internal medicine, general medicine and psychiatry, most recently as senior physician and head physician of the gerontopsychiatric department of the University Psychiatric Services Bern (Switzerland). Active since 20 years in a group practice in Bern.

Master of Arts in music and singing therapy, choir director. Music therapist at Klinik Arlesheim (Switzerland) Instructor in music therapy training and further education. Co-responsible for the music team in the Performing Arts Section at the Goetheanum in Dornach (Switzerland) since April 2018.

Anthroposophic art therapist (ED), specializing in sculpture and painting therapy. Teaching therapist and mentor in art therapy training. Art therapist at Klinik Arlesheim (Switzerland).

Certified nurse, parent consultant, breastfeeding and lactation consultant (IBCLC). Lecturer in nursing and educational training. Established and has been directing a company for breastfeeding, protecting and caregiving (“Stillen-Hüllen-Pflegen” in Filderstadt, Germany) for the past 20 years. 

Certified nurse, anthroposophic nursing specialist (IFAN). Founder of the Academy for Nursing Professions at Filderklinik hospital in Filderstadt (Germany). Board member of DAMiD, the umbrella organization for Anthroposophic Medicine in Germany. Coordinator of the International Forum for Anthroposophic Nursing (IFAN) in the Medical Section at the Goetheanum in Dornach (Switzerland) since 2000 and president of the International Council of Anthroposophic Nursing Associations (ICANA) since 2014.

Eurythmy therapist, practices in London (Great Britain). Registered with the Council for Anthroposophic Health & Social Care (CAHSC). Honorary secretary of the Eurythmy Therapy Association of Great Britain and Ireland.

Studied German and Romance languages and literature for the teaching profession in Münster (Germany) and Poitiers (France). Studied speech formation at the Dora Gutbrod School for the Art of Recitation and Therapeutic-Pedagogical Speech Formation in Dornach (Switzerland). Independent practice in Schöpfheim (Germany).

Dr. med. Benedikt HUBER
Specialist in pediatrics and adolescent medicine, specializing in neonatology and anthroposophic medicine. Head physician at the Clinic for Pediatrics in the cantonal hospital HFR Fribourg (Switzerland). Research.

Natalie HURST
Pediatric nurse and alternative practitioner with a focus on anthroposophic homeopathic therapy. Craniosacral therapist. Treats children in her practice for natural healing in Altdorf (Germany).

Oncological nursing specialist, anthroposophic nursing specialist (IFAN). Instructor in nursing training. Head of nursing in the Integrative Palliative Medicine Department at Filderklinik hospital in Filderstadt (Germany).

Certified and graduate nurse, anthroposophic nursing specialist (IFAN). Palliative care specialist, nursing manager in the community hospice Christophorus in Berlin (Germany).

Dr. med. Markus KRÜGER
Specialist in pediatrics and adolescent medicine, pediatric pneumology, pediatric endocrinology and diabetology, and anthroposophic medicine (GAÄD). Lecturer for developmental physiology, pediatrics and pathology at the Alanus University of Arts and Social Sciences in Alfter (Germany). Bath therapist for oil dispersion baths, serving as a lecturer and board member of the International Association for Oil Dispersion Bath Therapy according to Werner Junge.

Dr. phil. John LEES
UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) registered psychotherapist, BACP senior registered counsellor, clinical supervisor. Anthroposophic psychotherapist in private practice, chair of IFAPA, course leader, training course in anthroposophic psychotherapy, psychopathology and psychosomatics, Emerson College/UK. Served as Associate Professor of Psychotherapy and Counselling, the University of Leeds/UK for many years.

Physiotherapist, rhythmical massage therapist. Member of the executive board of the Association for Rhythmical Massage Therapy in Germany (BVRM), member of the board of the German Association for Anthroposophic Body Therapy (DGAK), member of the board of the International Association for Anthroposophic Body Therapies (IAABT). Instructor.

Angelika MAASER
Specialist in gynecology and obstetrics, and anthroposoophic medicine (GAÄD). Further training in naturopathy, psychosomatic basic care and psychotherapy. Practices in a group practice in Berlin (Germany).

Dr. med. Mariana MAMPAEY
Specialist in general medicine. Working in the public health system of the Swiss community of Ruiz de Montoya, Misiones, in Argentina from 1994 to 2020. Director of the community outpatient clinic, production of phytopharmaceuticals and training of health advisors of the indigenous Mbya Guarani population. Translator and proofreader from German to Spanish of anthroposophic medical texts and lectures.

Prof. Dr. med. David MARTIN
Specialist in pediatrics, pediatric hematology and oncology, diabetology and endocrinology. Postdoctoral qualification and authorization to teach pediatrics in 2011. Appointed Associate Professor at the University of Tübingen (Germany) in 2014. Senior physician for General Pediatrics and Acute Psychosomatics at Filderklinik hospital in Filderstadt (Germany) from 2012 to 2017. Clinical examiner of several Phase II, III and IV studies. Reviewer for scientific journals. Holder of the Chair of Medical Theory, Integrative and Anthroposophic Medicine at Witten/Herdecke University (Germany) since July 2017.

Specialist in internal medicine and pneumology. Physician at the Internal Clinic and Polyclinic for Tumor Research of the University Hospital in Essen (Germany).

Dr. med. Christoph MEINECKE
Specialist in pediatrics and adolescent medicine, psychotherapist for children and adolescents. International certificate in anthroposophic medicine, eurythmy therapy for doctors. Member of the Management Board, Medical Director and Speaker for the Havelhöhe Family Forum in Berlin (Germany). Independent practice and senior pediatrician for neonatal care at Havelhöhe Community Hospital in Berlin (Germany).

Educator for special needs (Camphill). Lecturer, course leader and parent consultant at the Havelhöhe Family Forum in Berlin (Germany). International teaching and lecturing activities. Currently in the management of Emmi-Pikler-Haus in Falkensee, near Berlin (Germany).

Certified art therapist (ED), specializing in sculpture and painting therapy. Teaching therapist and mentor for OdA ARTECURA in Switzerland (umbrella organization of the Swiss professional associations for artistic therapies). Art therapist at Klinik Arlesheim (Switzerland) since 2006.

Fausto NUZZO
Physiotherapist, rhythmical massage therapist and Bothmer Gymnastic therapist at Filderklinik hospital in Filderstadt (Germany).

Studied psychology, trained as a bookseller, later at the priest seminary of the Christian Community in Stuttgart (Germany). Served for many years as a priest in Berlin (Germany). Lecturer and seminar leader.

Doris RAPP
Certified nurse, anthroposophic nursing specialist (IFAN), expert, trainer and examiner in Rhythmical Einreibung.

Specialist in general medicine and palliative medicine, with his own practice since 2003. Chairman of the Berlin-Brandenburg Palliative Center in Berlin (Germany) from 2008 to 2016. Founded Specialized Ambulant Palliative Care in Berlin (SAPV) with three other colleagues in 2010. Examiner in the Berlin Medical Association responsible for palliative medicine.

Carola RIEHM
Case manager (DGCC), anthroposophic nursing specialist (IFAN), palliative specialist and course instructor for palliative care (DGP). Senior nurse at Filderklinik hospital in Filderstadt (Germany).

Master of Arts in expressive arts therapy (coaching), certified art therapist (ED), certified biography guide. Teaching therapist, supervisor and mentor in artistic therapy trainings. Art therapist at Klinik Arlesheim (Switzerland) and the Atelier for Art Therapy in Dornach (Switzerland).

Dr. med. Johannes ROSENBRUCH
Specialist in internal medicine, additional training in palliative medicine, emergency medicine. Member of the German Society for Palliative Medicine (DGP) and the Association of Anthroposophic Physicians in Germany (GAÄD). Managing senior physician of the Clinic and Polyclinic for Palliative Medicine at Munich University Hospital (Germany).

Anthroposophic therapeutic speech specialist. Studied speech formation at the Dora Gutbrod School for the Art of Recitation and Therapeutic-Pedagogical Speech Formation in Dornach (Switzerland) from 1997 to 2001. Additional year of anthroposophic therapeutic speech training. Studied for a Master of Advanced Studies in cranio-facial kinetic science at the University of Basel (Switzerland) from 2017 to 2019. Independent practice.

Specialist in pediatrics and adolescent medicine, and anthroposophic medicine (GAÄD). Expert for homeopathy in pediatrics. Practice in a group practice in Munich (Germany) since 1994. Member of the board of the Bad Boll Medical Seminar (Germany) since 1990. Member of the board of the Association of Anthroposophic Physicians in Germany (GAÄD) from 1993 to 2011. Head of the GAÄD Academy. Vice president of the International Association of Anthroposophic Doctors’ Associations (IVAA) from 2001 to 2008, rejoining the board in 2016. In Commission C of the Federal Health Office for Medicinal Products (Germany) since 2011. Deputy head of the Medical Section of the School of Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum in Dornach (Switzerland) since September 2016.

Certified nurse, anthroposophic nursing specialist (IFAN). Expert and trainer for Rhythmical Einreibung. Has had her own practice for Rhythmical Einreibung and external applications in Gröbenzell (Germany) since 2004.

Caroline SPEISER
Studied pharmacy at ETH Zurich and the University of Basel (Switzerland), state examination in 1980. Basic training in classical homeopathy (SVHA) at the University of Zurich 1995 to 1997. Certified pharmacist (FPH) specializing in community pharmacy since 2005. Member of the board of the Association for Anthroposophically Extended Pharmacy in Switzerland (VAEPS).

Certified art therapist (ED). Teaching therapist and mentor in art therapy training. Art therapist at Klinik Arlesheim (Switzerland).

Bachelor of Arts in art therapy, anthroposophic painting therapist. Presidium of the Swiss Professional Association for Anthroposophic Arts Therapy (SVAKT). SVAKT representative on the board of Oda ARTECURA. Independent group practice in Arlesheim (Switzerland).

Specialist in general medicine and anthroposoophic medicine (GAÄD). Additional qualifications in naturopathy, palliative medicine and psychosomatic primary care. Practice in a group practice in Hamburg (Germany).

Dr. med. Irene STILTZ
Specialist in general medicine and anthroposoophic medicine (GAÄD). Main focus: developmental disorders, family medicine, pediatrics, palliative medicine and psychosomatics. Has a practice in Hamburg (Germany).

Dr. med. Eva Gabriele STREIT
Specialist in internal medicine and lung diseases (FMH) and physician for anthroposophically extended medicine (VAOAS) in Switzerland. Continuing training in hematology at the European School of Hematology in Paris (France). Teaching position on the Medical Faculty of the University of Zurich (Switzerland) from 1989. Chief physician and member of the medical management of Internal Medicine at Paracelsus Hospital Richterswil (Switzerland) from 1995 to 2007. Senior physician at Klinik Arlesheim (Switzerland) since 2008.

PhD Dr. med. Henrik SZÖKE
Specialist in pediatrics and adolescent medicine, and anthroposophic medicine. Private practice in Hungary since 2003. Head of the university-accredited anthroposophic medical and therapeutic training there since 2009. Holder of the Chair of Complementary Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Pécs (Hungary) since September 2017. Extensive research and publication activities.

Barbara TRAPP
Eurythmy therapist in a practice for gynecology in Berlin-Kladow (Germany) and her own practice in Potsdam (Germany).

Active as an art therapist (BVAKT) since 1982 and psychoncologist since 1995. Full-time practice at Klinik Öschelbronn (Germany) since 1985, with various lecturing and teaching activities at home and abroad.

Dr. med. Jan VAGEDES
Specialist in pediatrics and adolescent medicine, neonatology and anthroposophic medicine (GAÄD). Medical director of neonatology at Filderklinik hospital in Filderstadt (Germany) from 2004 to 2012. Founder and scientific director of the ARCIM research institute (Academic Research in Complementary and Integrative Medicine) at Filderklinik hospital in 2010. Research associate at the University of Tübingen (Department of Neonatology). Head of pediatrics and adolescent medicine at Filderklinik hospital since April 2019.

Studied at the Art Academy Hamburg (Germany) from 2006 to 2012. Further training to qualify as an art therapist.  Own atelier in Filderstadt (Germany).

Christian VON ARNIM
Translator and journalist. Grew up bilingual in German/English. Studied German with Chinese at Edinburgh, Heidelberg and Newcastle Universities (MA, MLitt). From 1982 worked as a journalist for the BBC World Service and the Scottish newspaper The Scotsman. Since graduating, also worked in parallel as a translator. In 1995 went self-employed as a translator and journalist (Christian von Arnim Communications). Fellow of the British Chartered Institute of Linguists (FCIL).

Dietrich VON BONIN
Trained in speech formation and drama in Dornach (Switzerland). Further training in therapeutic speech formation. Master of Medical Education in 2006. Certified art therapist (ED), specializing in drama and speech therapy in 2011. Art therapist for therapeutic speech formation in the group practice Gemeinschaftspraxis Therapeutikum Bern in Bern (Switzerland) since 1985, instructor for therapeutic speech formation in the “Am Wort” training in Dornach (Switzerland).

Waldorf educator, also active as an instructor and advisor. Active member of the “Small Child Working Group” in the Association of Waldorf Kindergartens. Trained as a multiplier for the educational program at the Berlin Kindergarten Institute for Quality Development (BEKI) in Berlin, Germany, as well as training as a mentor for “Understanding the Baby” with Prof. Dr. Cierpka.

Dr. med. Philipp VON TROTT
Specialist in internal medicine, additional qualifications in palliative medicine, anthroposophic medicine (GAÄD), acupuncture A and B Diploma and Master of Science in palliative care from King’s College London (Great Britain), Senior Physician for Interdisciplinary Oncology and Supportive Medicine at Havelhöhe Community Hospital in Berlin (Germany).

Eurythmy therapist M.A. English native speaker. Also active as translator, especially for the contributions of Dr. Harald Haas on Anthromedics.

Dr. med. univ. Johannes WEINZIRL
Studied medicine in Vienna (Austria) and Basel (Switzerland) from 2004 to 2011. Trained in anthroposophic medicine in Stuttgart (Germany) and Arlesheim (Switzerland). Doctorate from the University of Bern (Switzerland). Currently in further training to become a specialist in general internal medicine (FMH). Research associate at the Institute for Integrative Medicine at Witten/Herdecke University (Germany) and in the Medical Section at the Goetheanum in Dornach (Switzerland).

Caroline WEISS
Certified nurse in Öschelbronn (Germany). Member of the editorial group for the Vademecum of External Applications in Anthroposophic Nursing.

Sebastian WEISS
Anthroposophic art therapist (BVAKT), certified singing leader for health facilities and hospitals. Active in Öschelbronn (Germany) in the treatment center of Gemeinnütziges Klinikverein Öschelbronn e.V.

Britta WILDE
Certified nurse, anthroposophic nursing specialist (IFAN).
Expert, trainer and examiner in Rhythmical Einreibung. Alternative practitioner.

Dr. med. Madeleen WINKLER
Specialist in general medicine and Anthroposophic Medicine. Private practice in Gouda (Netherlands). Long-time member of the board of the International Association of Anthroposophic Physicians and President of the Dutch Association of Anthroposophic Doctors. Extensive lecturing activity.

Prof. Dr. med. Ursula WOLF
Specialist in general medicine and anthroposophically extended medicine (FMH). Appointed Switzerland’s first associate professor of anthroposophically extended medicine in 2014. Responsible for the preparation of Health Technology Assessments for several complementary medical disciplines as part of Switzerland’s Complementary Medicine Program Evaluation. Her professional activities at the university include research, teaching and patient care. She is director of the Institute for Complementary Medicine at the University of Bern (Switzerland).

Dr. med. Andreas WOREL
Specialist in general medicine (FMH) and anthroposophic medicine (VAOAS). Further training in psychotherapy. Head of the medical department of Weleda AG in Arlesheim (Switzerland) for many years. Seminar leader and lecturer in various therapeutic trainings. Group practice in Basel (Switzerland).

Erdmuthe WOREL
Eurythmy therapist at Klinik Arlesheim and independent practice in Arlesheim (Switzerland). Teaches in nursing and eurythmy therapy trainings.

Pharmacist (FPH) specializing in classical homeopathy in Zurich (Switzerland). Independent practice as a homeopathist. President of the Swiss Pharmacist Association for Homeopathy (SAGH).

Trained as an editor. Studied speech formation and acting at the Novalis School in Stuttgart (Germany), followed by further training in speech therapy with Crista Slezak-Schindler. Teaching and lecturing activities. She works as a speech therapist and respiratory therapist. 

Research news

Case series: Topical application of Viscum album extract in keratinocyte carcinomas shows remissions 
A retrospective case series examined the safety and clinical effects of topical application of 10% lipophilic Viscum album extract (VALE) in individual cases of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC), basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and actinic keratosis (AK). The study population consisted of 55 patients with 74 skin lesions. Risk factors, concomitant therapies and diseases, adverse drug reactions to VALE and other relevant information were documented. As a result, the clinical response rate was 78% for cSCC, 70% for BCC and 71% for AK. The complete remission rates for individual lesions were 56% for cSCC, 35% for BCC and 15% for AK. Overall, the results suggest that VALE is a safe and tolerable extract, and complete and partial remissions of ceratinocyte carcinomas were observed with its use. The article is published in Complementary Medicine Research

Further information on Anthroposophic Medicine