Eurythmy Therapy for Hiccups

Erdmuthe Worel, Eurythmy Therapy Team Klinik Arlesheim, Andreas Worel

Last update: 14.08.2019

When treating pathological hiccups, the aim is to help the patient’s ‘I’-organization and soul body to get a “firm footing” again, as well as expand the patient’s experience of time and space away from being trapped in the constricting gesture of involuntary diaphragmatic contractions.

Therapeutic recommendations

  • The “Floor O” exercise
    This is an exercise performed by two people together, helping to overcome the inhibitions associated with moving one’s body. The original instructions can be found in the book “Eurythmy therapy” by Rudolf Steiner (1, p. 72, or p. 63 English edition). The exercise includes an element of acceleration and deceleration.

  • For bedridden patients: “I” and “S”
    If the “Floor O” exercise is not possible because the patient is bedridden, sounds such as “I” and a ‘commanding’ “S” in the periphery, possibly done only with individual fingers or toes, are very helpful.

  • “M” and “L”
    In addition, “M” with the feet in a countermovement can be brought together with a quiet “L” from the periphery.

  • For exhaustion due to hiccups: “L – M – S – U”
    If the hiccups have already led to exhaustion, the feet can be moved passively in “L – M – S – U” . If the patient can only sit, the “S” can also be drawn with the feet on the floor.

  • With the exercise “Sympathy – Antipathy”
    the ‘I’-organization can succeed in recovering control of the soul body and release the cramp in the thorax and diaphragm.


  1. Steiner R. Heileurythmie. GA 315. Lecture of April 16, 1921. 5th ed. Dornach: Rudolf Steiner Verlag; 2003. English translation: Steiner R. Eurythmy therapy. London: Rudolf Steiner Press; 2009.

Research news

Phase IV trial: Kalium phosphoricum comp. versus placebo in irritability and nervousness 
In a new clinical study, Kalium phosphoricum comp. (KPC) versus placebo was tested in 77 patients per group. In a post-hoc analysis of intra-individual differences after 6 weeks treatment, a significant advantage of KPC vs. placebo was shown for characteristic symptoms of nervous exhaustion and nervousness (p = 0.020, p = 0.045 respectively). In both groups six adverse events (AE) were assessed as causally related to treatment (severity mild or moderate). No AE resulted in discontinuation in treatment. KPC could therefore be a beneficial treatment option for symptomatic relief of neurasthenia. The study has been published open access in Current Medical Research and Opinion

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