Eurythmy Therapy for Diarrhea

Erdmuthe Worel, Eurythmy Therapy Team Klinik Arlesheim, Andreas Worel

Last update: 14.08.2019

Therapeutic recommendations

  • N” to strengthen the formative forces
    In cases of diarrhea, “N” particularly strengthens the patient’s formative forces (1, p. 61). The person’s ‘I’-organization works the strongest through the soul body on the etheric body when the “N” is practiced in the periphery with, e.g., only one foot – to strengthen concentration and thus centeredness, then up via the lower leg or thigh to the pelvic floor, followed by the same exercise with the other foot, and only then doing both together. Use the same approach with the hands, first one hand, then the other, then both together, that is, go from the hand, to the forearm, the upper arm, etc., up to the shoulder girdle.

  • The sound movements “E” and “H”
    Next do the movement for the sound “E”, because “it fixes the ‘I’-organization in the etheric body” (1), alternating or simultaneously, with “H” reaching inwards.

  • Rhythms and counter-rhythms
    Rhythms and counter-rhythms, the feet versus the hands, feeling outwards with the hands in “M” , taking back with the feet walking in “N” , emphasizing the lifting, the impulse of will, while contracting the body.
    “O – E” or “B – D” , connecting periphery and center.
    Practice the beginning of the evolutionary sequence “B – M – D – N” to give support and to encourage the body’s upbuilding forces. Conclude with “U”, formed from the buttocks.

  • Tone eurythmy therapy: the interval of the fourth

  • For weakened life forces: “L” and “M”
    In addition to the need for support of the formative forces in people with diarrhea, the life forces themselves are often severely weakened and the person’s breathing is flat. In this case the sounds “L” and “M” are helpful. Place emphasis on forming the “L” and be particularly alert at the moment of reversing direction when forming the “M” .


  1. Steiner R. Heileurythmie. GA 315. Lecture of April 15, 1921. 5th ed. Basel: Rudolf Steiner Verlag; 2003. English translation: Steiner R. Eurythmy therapy. London: Rudolf Steiner Press; 2009.

Research news

Mistletoe therapy in addition to standard immunotherapy in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer indicates improved survival rates 
Immunotherapy with PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitors has significantly improved the survival rates of patients with metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Results of a real-world data study (RWD) investigating the addition of Viscum album L. (VA) to chemotherapy have shown an association with improved survival in patients with NSCLC - regardless of age, degree of metastasis, performance status, lifestyle or oncological treatment. The mechanisms may include synergistic modulations of the immune response by PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitors and VA. However, the results should be taken with caution due to the observational and non-randomised study design. The study has been published open access in Cancers

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